Sunday 13 February 2011

Working on the dreaded synopsis...

and I am slowly going insane. I would rather walk over broken glass than write a synopsis. But they are essential to sell a book to a publisher or agent. They tell them what the book is about and let them know what to expect. 

I posted on the Writers' News Talkback site and other writers have been very helpful with their advice.

Maybe I will master the nightmare that is the synopsis before I tear my hair out.

In the meatime, I have found author Lisa Gardiner's site to be a great help. Visit her Conquering the Dreaded Synopsis series of articles here -

Friday 11 February 2011

Wish I was this bright eyed and bushy tailed...

But, after a night working away into the wee small hours, I am currently lying in a crumpled heap.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Crime Scenes

It's important to get things right when you're writing a novel. That's why crime scene pics can be a good idea.

As Vile City opens, Shelley Craig has just got off the bus with her boyfriend Stuart. He goes down an alleyway to relieve himself and when he hasn't returned minutes later she goes looking for him. That's when she is abducted.

Thanks go to my crime scene snapper.

Here's the video.

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