Saturday 19 March 2011

Why you don't need/want and agent

To balance out the last post on why you need an agent, I thought I would include a link to a piece top-selling author Stephen Leather wrote on his website about agents. Well, I think calling them 'scum-sucking parasites' is hardly a recommendation.

To visit his list of books, click on this book

To read more, just go to his website page at and go down to the blue box that says 'If you want an agent click here' and a word doc called 'Agents' will appear. It lists dozens of them.

Happy hunting.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Why you need an agent

I found this great piece on why you need an agent that I think is a must for any writer -

As someone who hopes to get one soon, I found this piece made me even more motivated to become a represented writer. Not least of all because I am terrible at this contract stuff.

I have probably have signed one giving my soul to the devil and not noticed!

Here's another good piece I found on the pet peeves of literary agents -

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Can't believe I won the Pitlochry Quaich for a crime novel

Today I got a phone call. At first I thought it was one of those nuisance callers we've been getting recently who want to sell you a conservatory (we live in a flat), a new kitchen (our flat is rented), a trip to the Moon (too busy). So, I picked up the phone with a great deal of trepidation and guess what, it was good news.

I have won the Pitlochry Quaich for the opening and synopsis of my crime novel Vile City.

I can't believe it and am currently in a state of shock.

I'd like to thank Writers' Umbrella, the online writing group I belong to. It was through them that I was eligible for this competition.

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