Sunday 20 September 2020

How not to die like in the horror movies

Like a  lot of writers I love horror movies and tv shows and it's time well spent because I now have tips on how to avoid being killed by a knife-wielding maniac.


1.In bathrooms, shower curtains should always be left open never closed. I've seen far too many scenes where the killer/Jason/Psycho character is hiding behind it.


2.Don't drop your keys at your front door. No, put them in a key ring and keep it attached to your bag/purse. Less chance of some hooded killer coming up behind you with a knife and grabbing you after you've bent down and slitting your throat.


3.Adopt a dog. A dog barking will make any potential creepy attacker think twice. Preferably adopt a decent-sized pup like my gorgeous goofball Harley and not one the size of a cat as a knife-wielding maniac is unlikely to be put off by a yapping dog they can tell is too small to bite them on the backside. He or she will save your life.


4.Dont go anywhere you can't get a mobile phone signal and always make sure you have it charged and or have an emergency charger with you. I've lost count of the number of times a target - usually, a blonde woman in skimpy white t-shirt and shorts has been unable to call for help because of a duff phone. Don't let it be you.

Last of all and probably most importantly,  

5. try and keep fit so you have at least some chance of running away from a madman or woman. Run out of puff and you're dead.

5. try and keep fit so you have at least some chance of runng away from a madman or woman. Run out of puff and you're dead.

Tuesday 18 August 2020

It's been fun... farewell to the Cannibal City book tour

This is the final day of the Cannibal City blog tour and it's been amazing. I'm so sad it has to end.

Thanks to everyone who has taken part. You've been amazing and I appreciate the time you spent reading and writing about Cannibal City.

In truth, I haven't been feeling too well recently mentally and at times I've struggled to get any writing done because of a complete loss of confidence. 

Having this blog tour has given me a boost, so thanks to everyone for getting involved. 

A special thanks to for doing all the organising.

I'd like to thank today's two stops on the tour for having #CannibalCity and me on on their fantastic blogs.

Here's what @cheekypee27 had to say about Cannibal City -

This is book two in the series and I highly recommend you read book one Vile City first.

There is a serial killer on the loose and DI Waddell is on the case. This series is different in that Waddell gets help from his colleague Stevie- who’s in a coma.

I really liked this storyline. The twists and turns had me glued to my kindle. Can’t wait to read more from this author.

Meanwhile, @colingarrow was kind enough to feature me in his Author spotlight

The double tragedy of Mary Duncan, 17, missing since 1976

Police Scotland photo

Of all the cases I have ever read about that are unsolved this is one of the ones that has haunted me. A teenage girl with her whole life ahead of love and a baby daughter she adored at home, Mary Duncan would have lived a full life by now. 

But instead, it seems likely that she was murdered at the young age of 17 in 1976 although her body is still to be found and nobody has been arrested for her murder. 

The young mum who became pregnant at 15 would not have gone quietly. She would have fought to stay with her child. 

I recently read on the news that police were searching the grounds of Vale of Leven hospital in Dunbartonshire in Scotland for the remains of the missing young mum.

The double tragedy of the disappearance of young Mary 44 years ago, is that soon after she went missing, Laura, the young daughter she loved to bits died of natural causes. The bairn hadn't yet reached her second birthday. 

When Mary was last seen she told her family she was going to meet a friend. Of course, being a teenager it has been suggested that Mary upped sticks and left, but this doesn't appear to be in character. 

According to Chief Superindent Calum Young: "Extensive inquiries continue in an attempt to find any indication of where Mary could be. However, due to the fact that she has not been seen or heard from in 44 years, we must consider the option that she may have come to harm."

Looking at pictures of Mary, you see a bright and happy young woman and a loving mum who would never have left her baby. It would have taken something awful to pull her away from her child. 

Hopefully, the police search will finally get some answers so that Mary and her beautiful baby will finally be able to rest in peace together. 

Footnote - Mary and her three sisters'stepfather, Norman Duncan, was jailed for 5 years for historical sexual offences against girls and was spoken to as one of a number of lines of inquiry.

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